Saturday, January 2, 2010

hello 2010 :)

here's to a fresh start. well, this year i do not want to make any new year's resolution. since every year end i get depressed when it happens but i suddenly break it. i'll just try to be more disciplined this year. like to be more conscious on my weight and figure and be more productive in my studies.

i just wish, hope and pray that this year will be way much better than my sucky 2009. i wish i just can make most of this year and save money for my plans. actually, its not only plans for myself but also plans for the people i love. this is my chance to finally let go of yesterday.

well for me, life is like a jeepney ride. it takes the same route. but we encounter different people in each and every route. the trip may be fine, maybe not. its up to us to deal with it. so cheers to the start of the year! this is our chance to make it right. CHEERS to another year with you guys!